Thursday, October 19, 2017
Monday, November 07, 2011
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Engraving initials on your gun
The gun maker usually provides a small gold or silver oval shaped plaque inlayed into the stock. This is for the engraving of initials, coats of arms or dedications of some sort. If you talk to the engraver they will be able to show you many different styles of lettering and maybe help you choose between them. They will also be able to design you a monogram using your initials making them into a pleasing pattern. If the plaque is already engraved and you do not want to remove it then ether a new plaque can be inlayed or initials or crests can be cut out and inlayed directly into the stock.
In the illustrated here the initials and crest were cut out of gold and inlayed, crest on top of the stock near the heal.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Gold on Guns

One of the confusing things about gold on guns is that there is more than one way of putting it there - inlaid into the surface or laid on to the surface of the steel. So with that in mind inlaid gold (or other metals) should have a mechanical hold on the gun.
The way this is achieved with on lay - or damascening as it is better known - is to roughen the surface in the same manner that files were made in times past – with a series of parallel cuts at three different angles, which gives hundreds of very small teeth that grip the gold. The problem is that it works best with very thin gold and that has a tendency to wear out and get caught in things.
With true inlay a recess is made for the gold with a dovetail around the outside and when the gold is hammered in it is forced into the dovetail and is locked in place. This means that you can use much thicker gold and even have it above the surface of the gun so it can be carved back to any form you like or left flush and engraved. Some inlay work uses different metals inlaid together or gold in different colours but it should be remembered that a gun is meant to be used as well as looked at and gold will wear in time with heavy use.
The reason that we do not stick it there with glue or solder is that the guns are case hardened by heating up to red heat for a couple of hours in bone charcoal, then dropped into a bath of cold water so that the carbon migrates to the surface of the steel giving the steel (but not the gold) a glass hard finish and this would cause the gold to fall off.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

“Can you add some more engraving to my gun?”
This is a question that most engravers are asked and it is a very difficult one to answer. Engraving of guns usually takes place near the end of its manufacture – the next process is to case harden and then polish before final assembly. So when I am asked to engrave on a gun that has been “finished” I try and explain why it’s not such a good idea. That said, some guns are not hardened all over as part of the manufacturing process (the trigger guard for instance), and some guns not at all. It is possible to anneal or soften a gun that has been hardened but the process is not for the feint hearted as the intense heat can warp the metal as the stresses are relieved; this would need the attention of a very skilled gunsmith to correct. Get good advice.
Most of the time when I am asked to enhance a gun that has already been engraved it’s because the customer has decided to have something personal added to it – maybe initials or armorials engraved on the small gold oval in the stock or gold inlay on the trigger guard. These should not be a problem. Guns without the gold oval can either have one fitted or the initials can be cut out of gold sheet and inlaid into the woodwork. All engravers can carry out this type of work which can make an interesting break between the bigger jobs that often take many weeks.
Friday, July 14, 2006

Thinking about the Pattern
The gunmakers here in the
This is one of the reasons that the standard patterns came about. They give a good sense of identity with the gunmaker, have a wide appeal and as the guns get older they acquire a nice patina that enhances the look of the engraving and therefore the gun. Game scenes and gold inlay work all have their place in an embellisher's work, but they should be thought about very carefully and if possible discussed with the engraver.
Think about what you have seen and liked on other guns and more important not liked. Do you like the tight fine scroll work with or without roses, or do you prefer the open scrolls with a dark background that forms a contrast, acanthus leaf, strap-work or a bit of a mixture. You may have a favourite corner on your shoot and that could be used as the back ground to a pheasant scene. The choice is yours, but think carefully and be prepared to change your mind after you have spoken to the engraver.